Karte Rangliste


Besiegte Gegner: 683.817 (147.)
Stamm: nc!?

Dörfer (55) Koordinaten Punkte
Highway to hell
356|504 4.532
Highway to hell
358|501 8.669
Highway to hell
355|507 10.140
Highway to hell
356|506 4.073
Highway to hell
352|508 2.304
Highway to hell
348|502 6.123
Highway to hell
346|495 8.040
Highway to hell
347|504 5.358
Highway to hell
343|497 10.203
Highway to hell
340|508 9.899
Highway to hell
347|503 4.921
Highway to hell
341|498 10.126
Highway to hell
338|504 10.114
Highway to hell
352|509 5.837
Highway to hell
342|505 4.593
Highway to hell
342|506 6.315
Highway to hell
336|504 4.843
Highway to hell
337|498 8.916
Highway to hell
335|506 5.166
Highway to hell
333|508 5.290
Highway to hell
339|500 5.584
Highway to hell
338|502 3.357
Highway to hell
332|502 8.926
Highway to hell
336|505 7.152
Highway to hell
331|506 5.981
Highway to hell
330|512 10.178
Highway to hell
329|506 8.314
Highway to hell
334|505 2.568
Highway to hell
334|504 9.737
Highway to hell
333|503 5.206
Highway to hell
330|509 3.614
Highway to hell
322|501 6.291
Highway to hell
326|503 2.067
Highway to hell
319|501 9.961
Highway to hell
328|507 9.613
Highway to hell
319|500 10.377
Highway to hell
320|500 3.953
Highway to hell
318|503 3.894
Highway to hell
316|501 7.190
Highway to hell
318|504 7.033
Highway to Höll
341|512 3.981
Highway to Höll
342|510 4.471
Highway to Höll
339|515 8.413
Highway to Höll
339|514 3.881
Highway to Höll
340|515 8.792
Highway to Höll
340|517 3.114
Highway to Höll
337|515 8.887
Highway to Höll
337|516 2.363
Highway to Höll
330|523 3.675
Highway to Höll
329|515 7.408
Highway to Höll
332|513 3.971
Highway to Höll
331|523 9.256
Highway to Höll
328|516 7.745
Highway to Höll
329|529 2.252
Highway to Höll
329|526 5.920
Persönlicher Text
Auf dem Berge snow_capped_mountain da steht der Nebel
Und der zieht ins Tal hinein,
Warum sollen wir im Tale,
Nicht auch einmal benebelt sein?

Erfolge in anderen Welten
Welt 229